October 2, 2019No Comments

Design Day Farnham

A big thank you to Sarah Miller at RIBA for organising the Design Day at Farnham Maltings. The event was very well attended and at MJH we enjoyed meeting some of the attendees and discussing their projects and plans. We look forward to seeing you at the next Design Day. Please check the RIBA website for upcoming events near to you. In the mean time for those that attended and other homeowners considering new projects we are happy to discuss your ideas to see how we can help.

September 12, 2019No Comments

RIBA Design Day Farnham – 21st September

MJH Architects are pleased to announce that we have been invited by RIBA to attend the RIBA Design Day at Farnham Maltings on 21st September. The RIBA Design Day offers homeowners the chance to discuss their ideas for extending their homes or new build homes with local architect practices. This is a great opportunity to gather some professional advice and guidance or support for your ideas. We look forward to meeting and helping you. Please bring as much information as possible about your project and we will bring the biscuits!

August 25, 2019No Comments

Portsmouth Society

MJH is delighted to announce that Mark has been selected by the Portsmouth Society to be part of this year's judging panel for the award of the best new buildings in Portsmouth.

The Portsmouth Society is a well respected body that promotes the importance of the built environment in improving community life. More about the Portsmouth Society's work can be found here www.portsmouthsociety.org. The awards will be announced at the end of the year, following the judges review in October.

July 22, 2019No Comments

Waitrose Weekend article

Waitrose Weekend newspaper has recently published a very interesting article on how to revitalise your home with the help of an architect. It is often an architects job to problem solve the smallest of details and realise untapped potential with new ideas. The article focuses on how architects can maximise your budget to enhance your living experience and ultimately add value to your property.

You can read the article here

MJH will be attending an RIBA Design Day in September at Farnham, but if you like to get in touch before then we will be happy to help you.

July 9, 2019No Comments

Planning permission

MJH Architects have secured planning permission for a front extension at Heatherwood Close, Wanstead. Due to the unique corner plot, with its under utilised front garden and the enclosed back garden with 20m high trees on the rear boundary, there was a strong case in terms of layout and design for a front extension. The process was not as straightforward as a permitted development proposal but with close collaboration with the local authority a very rare front extension was approved.

June 18, 2019No Comments

Thinking of a rear extension?

The good news is that the government has decided to remove the time limit for larger rear extensions under permitted development rights. This means that if you live in a semi-detached/terrace or a detached house you can extend the original rear wall of your property by 6m and 8m respectively. The legalisation was due to expire on 30 May 2019 but the government has now made it permanent. The application is made under Prior Notification and is subject to a Neighbour Consultation Scheme, which involves the local authority contacting your neighbours to address any potential concerns. At a time when more property owners are looking to extend and remodel properties to adapt to changing lifestyles, we at MJH support this decision. If you have any queries about your permitted development rights and prior approval please contact us.

May 22, 2019No Comments

The Homewood

For some design inspiration and part of MJH's cpd programme, we visited Patrick Gwyne's modernist masterpiece in Esher. The house is one of the UK's best examples of modernist architecture and was inspired by Le Corbuiser and Mies Van Der Rohe. Homewood uses many of the design principles of modernism that are still relevant today. The house is built on stilts (pilotis) to allow for parking below and the landscaping has been designed in harmony with the house to create a unified design. The property is owned by the National Trust and is well worth a visit if you are a member or interested in modernism architecture. The house is open from April to October by pre-booked visits.

May 7, 2019No Comments

Grand Designs Live

MJH will be visiting Grand Designs Live at ExCeL in May (4th - 12th). If you are considering an extension or a new build house, the show is a great opportunity to view the latest design trends and new products. This year the show is divided into six categories (Build, Gardens, Interiors, Technology, Kitchens and Bathrooms and products) to help you get the most out of the show. MJH will be happy to hear your feedback on the show and discuss how we can help you with your ideas.

March 9, 2019No Comments

East Hampshire District Local Plan Consultation

Eats Hampshire District Council (EHDC) will be presenting the draft version of the new Local Plan at Alton Maltings on Friday 15th March. This will be an opportunity for residents to comment on the Local Plan before the final version is submitted later this year. If you live outside a settlement boundary it is worth noting that the draft plan currently omits policy H16, which determines the maximum increase of floorspace for extending properties outside of the settlement boundary. The emerging policy CP29 will instead place the emphasis on "exemplary design that respects an area's particular characteristics". The change in emphasis from restricting development through an arbitrary uplift in floorspace to promoting good design is a clear improvement that will benefit the build environment in East Hampshire. If you would like to discuss the implications for a potential project please contact us.

March 1, 2019No Comments


MJH will attend Futurebuild 2019 at ExCeL, London on 5th March. We are looking forward to attending the first Futurebuild exhibition. As some of you may be aware Futurebuild is a newly developed concept based on EcoBuild. The excellent work of EcoBuild in raising awareness of sustainability in the construction industry over the last decade will form the foundation of Futurebuild, which will showcase the latest technologies and building products. If you are thinking of attending as research for a self build project or a new build/extension please get in touch as we will be able to support you.